Since 2006, the American Massage Therapy Association has published Position Statements on massage therapy. These are statements about massage therapy that are backed by scientific research to the point that the organization, which has been in existence for almost 80 years and has chapters in all 50 states, feels they are credible enough to put the organization’s support behind the statements.
The Position Statements (with links to the supporting information) are:
- Massage Therapy Can Relieve Stress.
- Massage Therapy Can Aid in Post-Operative Pain Relief.
- Massage Therapy Can Be a Valuable Component of a Wellness Program.
- Massage Therapy May Benefit Newborns.
- Massage Therapy Can Improve Quality of Life for Those in Hospice and Palliative Care.
- Massage Can Aid in Pain Relief.
- Massage Can Be Effective for Tension Headaches.
- Massage Therapy for Those Who Exercise.
- Massage Can Reduce Symptoms of Depression.
- Massage Therapy Can Be Effective for Low Back Pain.
- Massage Therapy as Beneficial Part of Integrative Treatment for Fibromyalgia.
- Massage Therapy Can Help Improve Sleep.
- Massage Therapy for Anxiety.
- Massage Can Improve Health and Wellness.
- Massage Therapy Portability.
- Massage as a Component of Integrative Healthcare.
As massage therapists, we should educate ourselves to be research literate. It serves the profession on the whole when we can offer scientific evidence for the efficacy of massage therapy. We can share it with physicians, other healthcare providers who might refer to us, and to the public who seek our services. It’s great when we can say, “Massage is great for ________,” and know that our statement is backed by research; it reinforces our credibility as members of the healthcare community.